Click here to register online!
You may also register by phone: 828.667.4541
Scholarship funds are available on the register and pay in person page.

We will have our annual Fall Gathering on November 12 at Canton First Baptist Church. Following a fellowship meal, we will worship together as we remember the influence of saints around us and who have gone on before us. Reverend Doctor Guy Sayles will be our proclaimer, and congregants will have an opportunity to light a candle prior to the worship service in memory of friends and loved ones. Child care will be provided. Cost is $20 per person (12 and under eat free.) The meal is provided by our area Campus Ministries (grilled chicken or pork chop, salad bar, potato bar, bread, and dessert.)
To register by phone and pay in person, please call 828-667-4541 (M – Th, 9 am -3 pm).
You can also register online and pay online, or register online and pay in person.
We will be taking an offering that evening in memory of Rev. Dr. Tommy Bratton, to be given to CareNet Counseling in Marion, NC. If you would like to donate online now to that offering, click here.